The Verif-y team had the pleasure of attending this year’s Money 20/20 conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. This industry-leading conference brings together companies from around the world, in areas such as FinTech, Payments, and Ancillary Services. It is an action-packed event filled with amazing speakers and provides networking opportunities with both new and familiar faces.
Verif-y's CEO, Ed Zabar, met with both partners and investors, as well as existing and potential clients from around the world. Money 20/20 is by far one of the busiest and most fruitful events Verif-y attended this year.
A key takeaway from Money 20/20 is that risk management, in its more advanced forms (such as better identity, biometrics, etc.) and regulatory and privacy compliance continue to be a top priority for outward-facing financial institutions, regulators, and a multitude of additional industries. Comprehensive, low-friction, secure, and accurate identity solutions are a must-have with the continued evolution of various types of attack vectors. These solutions help to protect both individuals and corporations, as well as government and non-government organizations.
How Verif-y addresses some of the main challenges raised by customers at Money 20/20:
Amongst companies requiring Know Your Customer or other Identity Verification services, there is a clear appetite for solutions that increase extraction accuracy, speed and reduce operation costs. In addition, the market is clearly looking for opportunities to reduce the likelihood of costly fraud while improving the user experience which will materially reduce user drop-offs. Verif-y’s solutions delivers all of this with liveness and machine learning, coupled with an industry-leading 95% or greater ID scanning and extraction capabilities.
Verif-y’s solutions are a step ahead of most other solution providers in the market. Our identity document screening and extraction solution is the fastest, most accurate solution available today and includes additional functionalities such as fuzzy matching, credit card scanning, enhanced security analysis, and more.
Our industry-leading liveness verification helps both existing and future clients reduce the likelihood of bad actors attempting to use someone else’s selfie and live video to bypass any onboarding or other types of user screenings.
Our combined solutions provide the most frictionless customer onboarding experience while allowing clients to continuously improve their compliance and protection from individuals that are attempting to breach their infrastructure.
We left the conference having gained a lot of new insights and with the hopes of building meaningful, long-term relationships with the wonderful individuals that crossed our path. We look forward to future events and to next year’s Money 20/20!